Nigerian Gospel Music minister Yadah is out with yet another powerful single Onye Inaputara following the successful release of her previous single Beyond Me, which massive acceptance from various parts of the world.
“Onye Inaputara” is Igbo for “The one you saved”. This song expresses Thanksgiving to God out Father for the great salvation he has given us at no cost, giving his only begotten as a ransom, making the one who knew no sin to be sin so we can become God’s righteousness.
It expresses the freedom the believer has received as he is no longer a slave to sin. The cross of Christ is the inspiration behind this song. I hope it gets everyone to thank our good father who has saved us from the wrath brought by our wrongs.
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Onye Ịnapụtara
Na sị gị imela, imela papa mo
Onye Ịnapụtara
Na sị gị imela, imela papa mo
I was one who owed the debt
And I couldn’t pay
But you gave your son, to take my place
So I’d be called your righteousness
And by this one sacrifice
You changed my name, covered my shame
And now I am your righteousness
Great is your salvation
Now I owe no debt
I sing this song of freedom
‘Cause You have saved, my soul from death
You have saved me, You have delivered me
Onye inapụtara
Na sị gị imela, imela papa mo (I am here to say thank you)
(I am here to say thank you)
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (this one that you saved is greatful)
(This one that you saved is greatful God)
Onye inapụtara
Na sị gị imela, imela Papa mo
See the debtor, now walking as a free man
See the slave of sin, now singing freedom song
See mortal man, with the hope of eternal life
Just because you gave your son
See the one outside, has entered boldly
You have delivered us, you have saved us
Gr-e-a-t is your salvation
Onye Ịnapụtara
Na sị gị imela, imela papa mo
(See the one you saved) onye Ịnapụtara
(With our hand lifted up, we’re greatful, greatful) na sị gị imela, imela papa mo
Onye nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh, Imego mu mma eh
Onye nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh
(You have done me well, oh savior, savior you have done me well oh) onye nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh, imego mu mma eh (You have done me well)
Onye nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh
(Thank you for snatching me out of darkness)
Onye nzọpụta (You have taken me to your light)
Imego mu mma eh, Imego mu mma eh
(Done what no man can do for me) Onye nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh
Onye Nzọpụta (The Savior)
Imego mu mma e, imego mu mma eh
Onye Nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh
See how you Snatched me, out of darkness
Onye nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh
Onye Nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh, Imego mu mma eh, Imego mu mma eh
You have done me Well
Saved me from hell, saved me from sin
Imego mu mma eh
Onye nzọpụta
Imego mu mma eh